Thursday, February 19, 2009
lily is allergic to certain foods ... I am allergic to the city, not all cities, just this one. walking outside for 20 minutes, and I am sneezing. like right now. for 2 weeks I was locked in my apartment. doctors orders.I am supposed to avoid walking on the street, so the only time I can leave, really is to head for the ocean or the airport.... destination : (funky paradise which is) away from here!
imagine being allergic to the city you live in???!!! when I moved back from school I actually got hospitalized! followed by asthma attacks, on and off for years.
***now I have to stay more days in bed. again! my solution is to turn my apartment into my very own self sustaining funky-jungle paradise! I just grafted some HUGE tropical vine and put the cuttings in water! I hope they live! now back to bed... smiling!
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