The Inivation

If nothing else, life is interesting.
As bored as I am most days here in the City of Light, someone or some thing always finds me in the coner of my little world and pulls me out. At times its exhilarating. Most of the time its painful and aggrevating. I'm just not a part of the social euphenics currently exploiting the masses. Then the day comes, as it alweays does, when you get get invited to some function or other. I honestly don't like parties or get-togethers. I always find myself wandering away from them for various reasons. But this time a friend from work asked me to come. I immediately said no, then I thought it over in concert with a million other things I could've been doing. Then I remembered something Perry Kulper once said to me about 'thriving on experience'... hmmm.

So I said yes.
It urned out to be a very interesting experience indeed. We even had our own bartendender and weed to boot!!! Plus someone brought a Wii by and the fun continued till 4am. Afterwards we went to Ihops and had pancakes...


April 7, 2009 at 5:24 AM Lily Penelope said...

Jefferson Blvd. 4 am. I am in the car with Josh coming back from a trip to some junk food place. Suddently fear attacks. "Josh, look,...oh my god...there is a bycicle with teeth",,,"oh shit....where is the body...that's messed up"...."what is it? Oh my...I am scared" "shit shit shit...the teeth are coming closer...I told you we should drink so late at night!". Finally there it was...teeth and...a body. Efrem going to school in the middle of the night! Let me tell you my friend...this picture made me laugh like it was yesterday!!!

April 7, 2009 at 7:21 AM ML said...

you guys make me laugh! I am hysterical right now!

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