"I am not Blind! I am just myopic!"

"Honey, be careful! There is a tree right in front of you!"
"My dear you think I'm blind? I'm just nearsighted. Sometimes I think you believe I am stupid"
"I didn't say that hon! I just wanted to help you"
"First of all stop calling me "hon" second I see what's in front of me. In life you can see what you want to see. It is as simple as that. Plus, I see out of focus if I don't have my glasses on and, believe me, sometimes it is good to see life in a foggy manner. Unlike you , who wants to see clearly what's ahead of you. Stop this thing and let me ride my life the way I want"
"Hey Lady! Careful! There is a tree in front of you! You can hurt yourself!"
"Geee! What's wrong with you people? Am I the one to be careful or the freakin horse???"
What's the big moral behind this? It's good to see life out of focus. You allow yourself to avoid bad details! If you can't do that...well...blame the everyday horse!


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